Initiative 83 approved by DC voters!
Thank you for your support.
See the results and stay tuned for next steps to help get Initiative 83 implemented.
We’re a group of neighbors working to hold D.C. politicians accountable by changing our elections to:
- Use Ranked Choice Voting, which requires candidates earn over 50% of the votes to win
- Let independents vote in all taxpayer-funded elections
Read the full text of Ballot Initiative 83.
Let's empower our communities with a proven system to preserve Black power and which pushes politicians to work for everyone.
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Initiative 83 has been endorsed by two US Representatives; two councilmembers; more than fifty commissioners; and many more community leaders, organizations, and businesses (all listed endorsements by elected officials have been made in their personal capacity). See the full list of endorsers.
Washington Post: Put ranked-choice voting at the top of your list (Editorial)
Oct. 3, 2024: "There is no one trick to fix American democracy — but implementing ranked-choice voting in primary and general elections around the country could help. This reform is on the ballot in several states this year, as well as in D.C. It deserves to pass." Read the full story.
What will YES on 83 do for DC?
Read the full text of Ballot Initiative 83. Initiative 83 makes political insiders uncomfortable, so there’s a lot of misinformation. Read answers to frequently asked questions to learn the facts.
A proven system: ranked choice voting
Under our current system, it’s hard to hold politicians accountable since they can win with less than 50% of the vote.
With ranked choice voting, you vote for your favorite candidate and rank your back-ups. If your favorite doesn't win, your vote moves to your next choice. The winner has to get over 50% of the votes.
This prevents unpopular politicians from winning in a crowded race and frees voters to vote their values, rather than "the lesser of the evils."
Let independents vote in primary elections
1 in 6 DC voters are blocked from voting in primary elections. Let's give every DC voter a voice in our most important elections.
There are many reasons people are independent:
- Their jobs depend on impartiality (journalists, judges, etc.)
- Young people are skeptical of the system
- Incarcerated neighbors living in red states
- Independent is the default option when registering at the DMV
How you can help

Our people-powered campaign needs your help with knocking on doors, talking to your neighbors, and so much more. Please fill out the form to become a volunteer.
Your donation will go towards organizing and educating our communities about this change, as well as purchasing campaign materials to get the word out. Please donate today.