September 30, 2024
Porter Bowman

TODAY: DC BOE Begins Mailing Ballots to Registered Voters, Initiative 83 Will Appear on the Back of the Ballot!

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, Monday, September 30, the DC Board of Elections began mailing ballots for the November 2024 general election to voters registered in the District of Columbia. Initiative 83 (also known as the Ranked Choice Voting and Open the Primary Elections to Independent Voters Act of 2024) cleared the BOE’s statutory requirements in August and will appear on the back side of the ballot. 

Initiative 83 Proposer Lisa D. T. Rice, Treasurer Philip Pannell, and our grassroots campaign of thousands of supporters and volunteers across all eight wards of the District are out in the community every day talking to voters, community groups, and local businesses and organizations to grow our coalition. A YES vote on Initiative 83 is a vote to finally give independents a vote in primary elections as well as allow all DC voters to use ranked choice voting to hold politicians accountable to a majority of voters.

Statement from Lisa D.T. Rice, Proposer of Initiative 83:

“The election starts TODAY! We have incredible support across the District united behind one thing: making politicians work harder. The YES on 83 Campaign thanks the D.C. Board of Elections for their hard work putting together this year’s general election ballot, including validating tens of thousands of DC voters’ signatures to put Initiative 83 up for a vote in November. Remember to flip over your ballot and vote YES on Initiative 83 on or before November 5!”

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